Sandpoint, ID
Lady Liberty Pier is located adjacent to the southeast shoreline of City Beach. The concrete pier extends water into Lake Pend Oreille approximately 140 linear feet, is accessible to the public, and is often used by swimmers during the summer months. Another primary function of the structure is to trap beach sand which naturally migrates in a southerly direction and eventually deposits offsite. Without the pier, costs to the City relating to beach nourishment would most likely increase.
The first 80-linear foot section from shore and an adjacent 40-lineal foot retaining wall has settled and is currently a potential hazard to the public. The City’s goal is to replace the failing structures prior to peak recreational season at the beach.
In early 2020, JAS provided the City with alternatives and costs and completed the design and contract document. The failing concrete structures will be replaced with the City’s preferred alternative, consisting of soldier piles, concrete wall panels, and concrete decking.