JAS has the equipment and trained staff to provide high-quality materials testing services for all common construction materials. Our materials testing capabilities include a laboratory that is fully equipped to provide a wide array of geotechnical material testing. Our laboratory testing methods are in compliance with applicable ASTM Standards. Our testing equipment is state of the art, and calibrated on a regular basis. We are licensed and certified for use of nuclear densometers for soil compaction testing in the states of Washington and Idaho. Testing is coordinated by our licensed engineers and performed by our inspectors, who are ACI and WAQTC certified. We have the ability to provide the following services:
- Soil Screen Analysis
- Soil Wash Analysis
- Maximum Dry Density Testing
- Soil/Aggregate Oversized Correction
- Sand Equivalent
- Atterburg Limits
- Specific Gravity
- Cleanliness Value
- Soil Classification
- Fracture Analysis
- On-site Concrete Testing, including air content, slump, density, and temperature, and cast concrete cylinders
- Concrete Compression Testing on the Cast Cylinders
- Grout Prism Testing
- Soil/Cement Compression Testing
- In Place Compaction Testing of Soils or Asphalt