Franklin County, WA
JAS has been working with the Basin City Water-Sewer District since 2004. The District was formed with the intention of acquiring existing private water and sewer utilities operating within the community. Working through Franklin County, JAS completed a draft feasibility study for the water system project, part of which included procuring the services of a utility appraiser to assess the value of the private utility and its water permits. JAS recommended consolidating the District and a nearby Mobile Home Park (MHP) water system as a means of solving the MHP’s water quality problems and enhancing the attractiveness of the overall project for grant funding. The MHP water utility was acquired by the district in 2008 at a cost that was substantially lower than the original asking price, based on the valuation study.
In 2010, the District was awarded a $1,000,000 CDBG General Purpose Grant for the first phase of the consolidation of the two utilities and improvements to the District system. That project was completed in 2011. Also, in 2010, the District was awarded a 50% forgivable loan and a 50% low-interest loan by the Washington State Department of Health for the installation of a new water storage tank. That project was completed in 2012. In 2017, with our assistance, the District acquired a CDBG $750,000 grant and a $100,000 USDA RD low-interest loan to install water meters and replace/upgrade portions of the distribution system. That project is scheduled to be constructed in 2019. With the assistance of JAS, the District has currently applied for a $1.3M forgivable loan/loan for the construction of a new well and completion of the meter installation project.